Ahh, Portland! What a great place to have PuppetConf this year. The home of Puppet Labs and all its varied food, drink, and other unnamed consumables give Portland a vibe like no other.
From the hipster eateries to the burger dives around town, Portland offered something for everyone.
My week began by arriving a tad early for the Puppet Certifed Consultant training day. On the way in, I passed this little beauty right here:
I had forgotten just how beautiful the Pacific Northwest can be.
In our meetings before the conference began in earnest, we talked about things announced and things as yet unannounced, and essentially just learned how to be better consultants and puppeteers. It was nice to be able to ask the questions that arise from time to time of the “big boys” (Gary Larizza, Zak Smith, etc.) and get first-hand accounts on how to do better.
There were quite a number of really cool talks on various upcoming tech, that I had quite a bit of opportunity to take notes and build upon knowledge I’d already gained.
Next up was the PuppetConf Keynotes for the first day that usually contains Luke Kanies’ annual Puppet conversation. Where they’ve been, what they’re doing, and the roadmap forward was fodder for Luke’s talk, and you can find the complete Keynote here:
The big synopsis I can give is all about application automation. For you Puppeteers out there, just think of the relationships between the File|Package|Service component “types” and apply that to application components (db, web, container, Java App, etc.) and you get the gist. Very cool, very powerful, and very near. Be looking for Puppet Enterprise 2015.3 to drop in the very near future. I’ll certainly have soe blog things to say when that happens.
I appreciate, once again, my employer Shadow Soft sending me out to PuppetConf to be the best engineer I can be, and learn all the new tricks and tools at my disposal while on the road.
Look for me to pick up where I left off with basic tools, and a revamp of my early-on configuration tutorial for Puppet Community with the new tools and features in Puppet 4 soon.
First of all, hello from sunny and hot New York. I’m on engagement for my company doing some Puppet goodness in the Northeast.
In my downtime at night, Ive been wrapping up some work I’ve had on my plate for awhile (my Puppet module destined for the Puppet Forge) and generally studying for various topics if for no other reason than to get better.
As I was preparing my new module, Puppet releases the Puppet4 Enterprise release that now follows new semantic versioning schemes, and follows the scheme:
Puppet Enterprise YYYY.VV
where “V” is version number.
Puppet Enterprise
As many of you know, I’ve been maintaining a project for Puppet prototyping and working with development and testing over a Vagrant instance for some time. I created what I have because I needed something I could share with customers to help facilitate coding and iteration without their touching the production instance unless absolutely necessary.
Thus, my projects were born.
Vagrants. Vagrants Everywhere.
In a nutshell, I configure a Vagrant environment on a modern OS. I create 4 nodes. One is the Puppet Master itself and the remaining three are Puppet agents that check in with the master and are in three faux envirnments: “Production”, “Testing”, and “Development”. As a result, you can code for DEV and iterate the heck out of it. Once you like it, you can merge up the tree into testing and finally to production.
These releases have been followng the format:
So, for instance, a release for CentOS5 running Puppet Open Source 4.0 would look something like this:
Make sense?
Well, as of today, my new release will be CentOS7 with Puppet Enterprise 2015.2. It can be found here.
Puppet Forge Module
I’ve also been working on two separate modules for the forge here recently. The other I’ve been working on longer, but this one was just ready first. I call it “PuppetDev”.
The idea behind the PuppetDev module is that sometimes a company who needs to do Puppet Development has corporate policy against using a tool like the Vagrant instances (i.e. virtualization on the desktop) mentioned above. As a result, the company often will set up a centralized development host that people can login to for developing Puppet code.
Often times, though, when starting out, a user can feel overwhelmed at the simple command line in front of them, and even if they get into an editor, they may not know where to start with syntax highlighting and the like.
It was from this need PuppetDev was born. You simply apply the module to a node, and supply the user/group you want to apply the module to as parameters, and it whirls away and sets up their development environment.
Among the toys they get with the release are syntax highlighting, an easier to read colorscheme, a Vim plugin infrastructure, and all manageable by the Puppet Administrator for the site.
I know it’s a rather narrow use case, but there it is… feel free to check it out here, or if you’re so inclined, on your Puppet master you can simply run puppet module install cvquesty/puppetdev.
That’s all I have for this update, but hope to be a little more active here shortly with my next Forge module.
One would think after reading Gary Larizza’s blog that I wouldve come away with the idea that Hiera presents a few issues as it solves a ton… but no. I had to go and think it was easy, fly off half-cocked and try and tackle a big issue or two, unprepared mind you, and here I am… re-discovering what humility should be like.
The Problem
Hiera looks simple. Disarmingly simple. However, the pain doesn’t come in just looking at a nice, default hiera.yaml:
We can simply look at this and see the wonderful simplicity of how the yaml file is laid out, the ease of adding more hierarchies from which to gain data, and even expand the model to include subdirectories and all sorts of interesting methods of organizing and abstracting our code into usable, organized chunks.
Not so fast.
The real issues begin when you’re dealing with a customer. All too often I find that even they aren’t entirely sure what’s going on in their very own environment, and pushed hard, will actually argue among themselves as to just how everything works. Scary.
The main thing we find ourselves doing is figuring out that last mile… What precisely is the role of machine X in this environment? Ask two people separate from each other, and they’ll likely give different (sometimes remarkably so) answers. Get them together and they may quibble a bit, but generally get to consensus.
This is REALLY, REALLY important. If the folks you’re trying to help aren’t 100% sure exactly:
What a machine does How a machine is built What it’s role in the organization is You’ve got some real issues.
This Doesn’t Suck
Often, engineers look at the Hiera configuration file in a vacuum (so much for the suck joke). Not permanently but definitely independently at first. Then, as the engagement pushes on to defining Roles and Profiles for the site, you have this “oh crap” moment, and throw back to the hierarchy and then start modifying lookup layers, but then jump forward to the profiles where the lookups are (or should be, anyhow) and realize they assumed a different hierarchy. Then, jump back to the hiera.yaml, make changes, then back to the profiles and repeat the process and then finally to the component modules, and remediate any assumptions you made on everythin gyou just changed. Uh oh. Wasted time.
I’ve started working through “all the things” and have come up with a mechanism that works well for me. Hopefully you can gain some mileage from it as well.
First Thing’s First
Some would argue you should do the Hierarchy first while others would argue you do the Profiles first. However, I’ve found that parsing out all the business logic with the team gains a remarkable amount of runway for you to start. Why?
Systems engineers are techno-nerd types. The nuts & bolts, configs and the like are their prime concern and more often than not, they view the site atomically. They can tell you with great detail precisely what each and every machine has installed on it (often…not always), but generally know what the IT ROLE of a node or collection of nodes is for. Further, they can tell you who requested it, what kind of storage may be connected, what business group out there it satisfies the needs of, but with a startling amount of frequency, cannot tell you the BUSINES ROLE of the node.
Q: What is it? A: A web server. Q: What’s it’s purpose? A: To serve web documents, duh! Q: No, no… what’s it’s business purpose? A: To make money? Q: No, no… If you were to give it one overarching purpose, one reason for existing, what would it be? A: Oh… ummm… I never thought of that before.
You’d be surprised just how often you arrive there with pretty much everyone.
As a result, if you wait until mid-engagement to reach this point, (or at least the middle of the writing phase), you’ve got a fair amount of backtracking, and even refactoring to do before you regain some sense of normalcy and can push forward.
Most Specific to Least
As has been said many times and in many ways, your MOST specific designation should always come first. For instance, what is the MOST atomic level of abstraction? Well, the node itself, of course, so the %{clientcert} designator suffices for that.
Well, what’s next? That depends on you. You might have a location to think of (is this data center on the east or west coast, US or Asia). That’s highly broad… maybe not. It might be environment (such as DEV, TEST, PROD). Again, this is custom to you, and that might still be overly broad and you need to find a happy place between clientcert and environment. Only you can tell me that when I’m standing in front of you, so I generally refrain until I can get the layout of your site.
For instance, one customer had clientcert, then location, then environment. That way, items unique to the data center the nodes were in would get handled first, and then things that were environment unique (regardless of location – more broad) could get handled next. See? Custom to them and the way they do business or are arranged technologically.
I “borrowed” the name for this post from Bill Engvall to illustrate a point, that if you just run off to development with no prior knowledge of the things Hiera works with, you will encounter the pain of refactoring at what is most likely the component module level and then the profile level as well. If you’ve ever had to do it, and then do it on a time crunch, truly you have felt the pain.
That’s right, kids. PE 3.8 has dropped, and it is quite tasty. Some highlights:
AWS Module Now a Supported Module
As simple as that sounds, it’s huge. Being able to stand up multiple, tens, even hundreds and thousands of servers into AWS at once with Puppet is a great thing, but to have the module supported by Puppet Labs Support is even better.
Docker Containers??
Indeed. The Node manager now “gets” Docker containers and you can provision from bare metal as needed. Once the provisioning is done, it hands directly off to Puppet to execute the configuration portion of your run. Seet, sweet sauce right there.
Bare Metal
You’ve always been able to foray into the world of bare metal provisioning, but now it too is supported for you. You can stand up OSes, hypervisors, and then hand those off into the config run using Razor. Razor is now core to PE and also supported by the Puppet Labs Support Team.
Code Management
A long time coming, you can also manage code deployment to your Puppet Master using r10k, installed by default. Newly dubbed the “Puppet Code Manager”, r10k remains a command line tool, but I hear rumblings there may be some GUI juice on the horizon for this.
As with any release, some Puppet Enterprise features are going the way of the Dodo Bird. Some expected, some surprising, Puppet Enterprise’s landscape is certainly changing.
Cloud Provisioner
Long decried as a weak part of the PE infrastructure, the newly announced AWS Supported Module renders it redundant, and as such is removed from the shipping product’s default installation. Of course, if you have a large infrastructure that leverages the Cloud Provisioner, you can continue to use it by installing it into PE separately.
Live Management
Live management, a long-standing feature of the Enterprise Console, is now also deprecated. Of course, with the new code management features “baked-in” to Puppet Enterprise through r10k, Live Management is somewhat redundant. However, Puppet Labs notes that they will be releasing improved resource management functionality in future releases. If you need Live Management, then just as you can with the Cloud Provisioner, you can turn it on as well in the 3.8.0 product.
Finally, some older versions of supported OSes are no longer so, and the list is as follows:
I’m sure you may have some of these in your infrastructure, but they’re usually the result of a vendor application’s supported platforms. If so, you may wish to communicate back upstream to your various vendors, because when you upgrade PE, these go away for you.
Try It Out
As usual, I’ve already created a Vagrant instance to allow you to test and work with the new PE, testing out your existing code on the new platform. Check it out on my GitHub here.
Let me know if you find any issues, and happy Puppeting!
I know that sounds a little silly with all the Coderwall links over there in the sidebar, but I’m not.
I got into this business as a lowly PC building guy, and worked my way into systems administration through light consulting. A necessary evil of the day was tweaking an autoexec.bat & config.sys to release as much memory to the user as was possible for applications. (This was long before Win95, FYI)
As progress and learning would have it, I landed myself a systems administration job and began to grow. Here, 22 years later, back to consulting (but on a much larger scale), I look back on my professional career and see and realize that there’s a LOT of code behind me. Perl, BASH, ksh, HTML, PHP, light Ruby, old DOS debug scripts, Puppet DSL, Expect scripting… tons of it. All encountered and fleshed out in the context of systems engineering and/or management over the years as situations and needs arose.
Fast forward to today. The juxtapostion of Development, QA, and Operations into one big hairy hard-to-define (but getting clearer) term known as “DEVOPS” is the landscape a new admin comes into, and he or she learns from the very beginning the principles of placing infrastructure definition into code, and working as a developer to enhance and automate the hard infrastructure of the operations world.
I say all that to say this… I’ve got some new releases on my GitHub I’d like to share with you to help you out while navigating in this world of DEVOPS. If you have to call me a coder because of it, I may frown, but it is what it is.
Vagrant/Virtualbox Fun
As I’ve been slowly revealing through my series in past months, there’s a lot of tools out there for working with Puppet and there’s a ton of the same to prototype for your company’s environment. One of these is Vagrant, and it has the ability, in a huge way, to help you automate the setup and teardown of sample infrastructures to work with your Puppet code in. I’ve just updated and released a few of these, and I want to tell you about them.
Vagrant with CentOS 6.5 and PE 3.7.1
If you look here, you’ll find my current project I use with customers. This is a Vagrant instance that turns up a 4-VM environment including a PE Master, a DEV, TEST, and PROD VM running the PE agent, Enterpise Console, Directory Environments pre-configured, r10k configured, and a simple set of Puppet Modules to get you started.
Most commonly, I share those with customers, coworkers, and community folks to get them started coding right away, and to have a platform with which to teach them how to deploy, merge, and promote code through an environment in a smaller version of wat they might already have in their company. This is the enviroment I spoke about at the Atlanta Puppet User’s Group last year in its current iteration.
Vagrant with CentOS7 and PE 3.7.2
Similarly, you can find a CentOS7 + PE 3.7.2 project here. Much like the above, you get the latest of PE with CentOS7 to help your prototyping over a more current OS.
Vagrant with CentOS7 and Puppet OSS 4
If you look up the word “experiemental” in the dictionary, this project right here is linked as an example.
I’ve gotten a very rudimentary working setup of a Master and one agent to install completely and autosign, and haven’t even scratched the surface of all the new goodies in Puppet 4. As Puppet 4 is still in Beta, this is not recommended in any way for any reason at any time for you to use for any purpose. 🙂
My hope here is to prepare myself for the PE4 features long before they’re released. I hope to work on getting directory environments and r10k working for this only to have a base from which to rapidly develop for PE4 when it’s released. EXPECT THIS ONE TO GO AWAY IN FAVOR OF THE NEW PROJECT.
I hope these projects assist you in rapidly creating a platform and developing for Puppet. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me via jsheets@shadow-soft.com, quest@questy.org, or one of the many other social media nexii you have available to you.
As always, these are in active, deep development. If you’ve got some Vagrant chops and/or want to contribute in any way, feel free to do pull requests, and I’ll integrate changes as soon as I’m able between customer engagements and/or other duties I may have here at Shadow-Soft.
I know it’s been since June we’ve worked on the Puppet Development series, but as work goes, so go I, and as I go, so delays the blog. 🙂
We started our journey with a reintroduction to Vim. As strange as it sounds, often times we techno-guys take for granted that people coming into the DEVOPS space are well versed in all these things, and overlook remediating the basics. We covered Vim basics and switching between command and insert mode as well as linking you to some good cheat sheets to help you beef up your vim-fu.
Next, we covered Vim plugins for syntax highlighting and just general code visualization so we can see visually when our code editing has issues and needs to be fixed.
The next article centered on revision control in general, but Git in particular. In addition to using Git, we also covered that amazing tool GitHub and how to get registered for it, create your own repos, and how to work with repos from your local command line as well and I linked you some excellent resources on Git to expand your knowledge of the Git world and become proficient and fluent in its use.
Finally, we got around to Vagrant and I gave you a simple tour of Vagrant to be familiar with the tool and what it does for you. We stood up a Vagrant instance and saw how we could destroy and re-provision that precise same instance with only a shell command, and saw the power of automated provisioning at work right on our own node.
Like the social media world will tell you, I did it because reasons. In short, I wanted you familiar with all these separate tools as we start to coalesce them into an integrated whole we can use as our development toolbox.
So, since we’ve got Vim, Git, and Vagrant as needed components, what else might we need to continue pressing forward?
We need to understand Puppet itself.
Puppet – The Product
Puppet, as I’m sure many of you are aware, is simply “configuration management software” produced by Puppet Labs, Inc. Puppet Labs was founded in 2005 by then Systems Administrator/Engineer Luke Kaines to help automate common repetetive tasks encountered in his regular work duties encoutered on a day-to-day basis.
After a few rounds of venture funding and explosive growth of the market segment known as “configuration management”, Puppet Labs has become a market leader in the space, and continues to develop and improve upon the product at a rather aggressive rate.
Configuration Management
If Puppet is “configuration management” software, what is this thing called “configuration management”?
Configuration management as a systems engineering process covers a lot of landscape in its purview. It can mean, speaking generally, a process for maintaining consistency of a product’s performance and can become considerably complex, such as the methodology used to manage miliary weapons systems, IT service management, and other domain models covering civil and industrial engineering.
For the purposes of the technical field of Systems Administration, Engineering, and Automation, however, Configuration Management as a discipline is very well defined. Specifically, the model that covers these areas is Operating System Configuration Management. Certainly, when automating your site you step over into additional disciplines, but at its core, Configuration Management almost always implies that you are working with the primary target of Operating Systems Configuration Management.
IT Automation
Often times, configuraiton management as it is expressed in the realm of operating systems more specifically begins to take on automation as the primary characteristic of the work performed. From provisioning to deployment, automation saves the most time and effort through modeling systems design in a modular fashion, whereby allowing you to apply systems configurations against classes of machines tooled to perform specific types of work.
This paradigm allows for many idioms to be used in the description of the destination machines, and is the primary domain within which products like Puppet operate.
Puppet – the Product
As you peruse the main website for Puppet Labs, you start to see a much larger emphasis and prevalence of “IT Automation” throughout the website–specifically in the area of data center automation. It is important to note that Puppet prefers to work within this space, although it has abilities that stretch into the entire IT lifecycle workflow.
Puppet is comprised of two distinct products: “Puppet Enterprise” and “Open Source Puppet”. As is common in the Open Source space, the distinction between the two is defined primarily by way of the support options available for each.
Puppet Enterprise
The Puppet Labs flagship product is Puppet Enterprise. Puppet enterprise is a fully supported, maintained, and actively developed data-center ready software package designed to enable you to model configurations for your site out-of-the-box. It has an integrated installer, smoothing the installation process, a series of Puppet apps available for use in the Enterprise Console (the Puppet GUI), and for-pay support and licensing options to meet the needs of your enterprise, regardless of size.
Open Source Puppet
Open Source Puppet is the core product found within Puppet Enterprise. It is the engine which drives the Puppet product and does the job of configuration modeling against your environment. It has several components, individually installed, and no shipped console. It generally leads the Enterprise version by several revisions, allowing early access to new features and benefits but lacks the additional features afforded by the Enterprise offering.
Make no mistake. Both products are the same software. However, the Enterprise product has much of the legwork done for you in the integrated installer, additional functionality in independently released “Puppet Apps”, and of course, enterprise-level 24×7 support availability. Add to that a vibrant community of development and expansion, the Puppet Forge, an annual conference, and a respected certification program, and Puppet Labs’ offerings, while similar, certainly shine on the Enterprise side of things.
The main concept upon which Puppet’s operation is founded is that of idempotency. Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.
As you can see, this characteristic only applies an effect on the target if and only if it has not already been applied. Subsequent applications will have no effect, as the desired state of the target is as it should be.
This is good news in that it allows us to think of our enviromnet in new ways. Instead of thinking of all the changes we’re making or going to make to our environment, we begin to considered the desired state of our site and the maintenance of that target at all times. Then, “events” are no longer misconfigurations, but instances of deviation from the desired state, the “norm”.
Think of the ramifications of the shift in mindset this represents. Audit reports are no longer a series of weeks of review of the site. Your site’s state is described in code, and is a public record within your organization for all to see. Instead, those conversations become “We are ALWAYS compliant. Here is a report of the few times we weren’t compliant in the last year.”
Considerably different conversation to have.
Now, as you model more configuration state in code, your entire way you think of your site evolves. More things hapen automatically, are automatically reported on, and are automatically remediated. Your reporting changes. Your audits change. Your compliance reporting changes. In fact, your entire internal culture chages, and all involved teams need to make adjustments in the way they think about the site and how to mold the way they’ve traditionally done their job (whether administration, audit, or compliance) into this new world of DEVOPS, automation, and the like.
Puppet Enterprise and Open Source promise to not only change how you view your systems and site, but how your entire organization functions. From automated configuration expression within the site, to how you originally model your configuration target, the tools provided by Puppet have changed the face of IT. Automation and configuration management bring culture change and ideological evolution to the enterprise, and step you into the next level of efficiency, compliance, and security management.
As I travel around the country installing and training people in Puppet Enterprise, I’m noticing some characteristics of management perspective on the DEVOPS movement that has a disjoint with implementation and reality. In short: Managers are now hiring personnel in the field of DEVOPS for positions they may be highly qualified for, but have no institutional ability to execute on the tasks that will be assigned them in a modern infrastructure especially one that has to meet governance criteria such as ITIL, PCI, SOX, HIPAA, and various STIG requirements we see in governmental circles.
First a story, then an observation…
Early Rumblings of DEVOPS
A number of years ago I was a senior engineer in a large TV/Web property. The team was probably one of the best I’d ever worked with from an operational perspective. What I mean by that, is they not only knew how to do what they knew, but when confronted with requirements on something that did not exist, or had not been built yet, they just built it themselves. (handy to have in the days before ubiquitous workflow engines, automation tools, and deployment mechanisms!)
At the same time, the devlopment team was mostly tiered… Entry level personnel were basic coders, seniors were considerably more integrated into the nuts & bolts of the site and the leads & managers could actually commit. Quite a well organized protectionist strategy to keep the codebase clean and mostly devoid of errors. It was a great setup for a 2000-2002 era development shop. Problem was, it was 2005.
As business goes, eventually newer and more well rounded developers with experience in a new subset of tools and techniques began to be hired, and from their background they might have had elevated privileges in their past environments, the ability to commit at will (or continuously integrate?) and felt as though this somewhat “experienced” development model was archaic and slow. And it was.
Inevitably, one of these nice folks would make their way over to the operations side of the house, usually in despair, looking for ways to make their lives easier, which usually ended up in some sort of altercation over “root” level access to systems throughout the environment they had to touch. One could assume how that conversation would go, ultimately operations could not find a business justification for such a level of access, and the request was denied. This would engender a certain amount of tension between teams, and life would roll on in much the same way.
Finally, one day, one of the best developers I personally have ever had the privilege of working with came on as a contractor. (he would ultimately come on board full time and then become the Sr. Architect for the team) Everything he did would turn to gold. his development models and abilities were changing the way developers would think about what they could do, and methods and procedures were changing, deployment techologies were being tried, workflow engines were making the development side of the house quite modern by all measures.
However, the existing operational model continued along at the early-century norms, and would not/could not budge. Now, this wasn’t due to the fact that there were jerks in the department, no quite the contrary. In scearios where a team is so competent in what they do, they look for ways to script and automate away mundanity. The better the team, the stronger this backbone. The stronger the backbone, the more tendrils get attached the the core until automation and development reaches each and every part of the infrastructure. When the team builds to that level, each part hands off to the other. Centralized data stores provide the API for the site, and to touch any particular part of the infrastructure at the design level affects the entire system. So goes Infrastructure architecture.
Before there was a “DEVOPS”
As you can see, in very real terms, this was a “pre-incarnate” DEVOPS infrastructure. A little more OPS than DEV, but nonetheless automated as was possible.
But these new upstart tools were going to ruin this! Yes, they had promise and could certainly replace large portions of the existing workflow, but it could take months or years to “undo” what had already been done to supplant existing mechanisms with newer, better tools.
And therein lies the road to DEVOPS.
The Climate Today
I tell the above story to illustrate the tensions existent before the rise of DEVOPS and the subsequent automation revolution we’re currently experiencing.
Many times one would love to implement their new tools, but the operational infrastructure would prevent it. Or, lesser-informed development teams would accept no less than the highes level of access into the environment, but modern compliance standards prevent that from happening as well.
The manager that has to navigate this particular problem when hiring or resourcing a need in her infrastructure has quite the task ahead of them. Why? DEVOPS has integrated the two fields at a vector point to a degree whereby it is incredibly difficult to determine where the DEV ends and the OPS begins. Sure, there are considerably more well-defined responsibilities on the extremeties of the respective disciplines, but that joining point threatens to cause dischord in the world of the IT infrastructure and many sleepless nights for the IT manager in trying to nail down his talent needs.
Take the requirements for the “DEVOPS Application Operations Engineer” found on one of the major online employment sites posted just a few days ago for a major metro in the U.S.:
Minimum 4 years’ experience in scripting and or any development languages like C#,.NET, Python, Java, Shell, Ruby or any other open source languages.
Experience with HTML/XML and Java Script
Familiarity with Microsoft SCOM, SolarWinds Orion, Keynote, Nagios, Puppet, Chef or other monitoring, SaaS management solutions is desired
Proven experience debugging and troubleshooting software-related issues in a software development or advanced application support position
As you can see, this is a development-heavy position (that, IMO, is all over the map from a requirements perspective), but so goes job descriptions today. Read between the lines, though…
Someone needs a competent developer that isn’t completely freaked out when someone says “Puppet Environment”, “Monitoring”, or “SaaS”, that knows their way around deployment and automation and can get things done. That’s fine. Problem is, this assumes full lifecycle respnsibility when the actuality is that the future employee has a hard-line stopping point beyond which he or she will never be “allowed” to tread due to compliance alone, and that is the breakpoint between DEV and OPS in the DEVOPS world. Consider this:
There are three clearly defined worlds here, all converging on a singluar point known as DEVOPS. From the development skill and expertise of the developer to the testing and assurance retrospect of the QA Engineer, to the Security and Compliance purview of the Operational Architect, DEVOPS is not a “one trick pony” with a singularity view. It is a methodology that brings together the three worlds in a clear developmental workflow to speed safe and secure deployment with minimal errors into serving infrastructure. As often as people try and push DEVOPS into a development position or into an Operations or QA postion when hiring, success will be limited, and frustration will be the result.
What, Then, Is the Manager Missing?
As has been heavily implied thus far, the manager may be missing the fact that DEVOPS is not a position but a way of doing things. DEVOPS is a methodology, not a granting of rights or abilities. And, if we’re talking about lines of demarcation within groups, DEVOPS is a superstructure of tools built, implemented and designed by the Operational Architectural team to move, implement, and regression test code and associated objects provided by the Development Architectural team with tests, regressions, and automated mechanisms specified by the Quality Assurance Architectural team in a specific fashion and after a specific methodology that has commonly become referred to as DEVOPS.
The manager has to realize that this is not a subset of bullet points on a resume, but a wholistic approach to all of their environmental considerations that requires all teams to cooperate through to the end result: QUality Software Products delivered in as short a cycle as possible in an automated fashion with as few errors and bugs as reasonably can be remediated before going “live”.
The manager who is looking for this methodology in a single position has already lost the battle before ever posting the position.
Not a full-on post, but more a note for myself to both investigate and test this… It would seem that Vagrant has now added provisioner support for Docker here. Be looking for a new post on this in the near future!
I’m working steadily to start off the new year, so my posting may be somewhat sporadic, but I will continue to blog Puppet fundamentals, supporting tools, and related items as I have the chance.
And in that vein, I encountered something this week I wanted to share with you.
It would seem that the new feature whereby you can include facter facts in a module for pluginsync to distribute them, but using the new mechanism of:
is not 100% reliable when distributing those facts. By this, I mean the following observed behavior.
You create your fact and place it in the above directory. Say, a shell script that gives you a value. You make your fact executable, and running it natively at the shell works perfectly. You do a puppet agent run, and the fact syncs to the agent machine, but never becomes available in the facter table. You find the sync’ed location of the fact (in the losgs from the sync) and run it manually, and it works perfectly. I spoke with some folks at Puppet just in a conversation describing what I was seeing and they suggested the following workaround:
Make the fact a file resource and place the fact in /etc/puppetlabs/facter/facts.d. This makes the fact available to the facter system, and displays correctly in the facter table and responds to the facter -p as expected.
That’s it for now! Look for more to come on workflows and tools in the very near future.
Well, you may notice a bit of a change in format & layout. I got tired of fighting the foibles of WordPress. Every few weeks, WordPress decided quite on its own it no longer wished to display my blog for what appeared to be no reason at all.
As such, I’ve moved to Octopress, hosted it at GitHub, and am doing a permanent redirect at it from my site until I can work out both Web & Mail while having my MX stay where it is and having my Web address move to GitHub directly.
In the meantime, all tech posts have been duplicated here, and can be found by navigating the menus.
Over the next few weeks and months, you’ll see things move around, features being added and removed, themes and plugins changing and/or disappearing as I learn Octopress and figure out all its ins and outs. Please bear with my dist during this time.