A Call from the Wilderness

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Yeah, yeah… It’s been nearly 6 months… I know.

Busy, busy is the best way to explain it. Heavy, full season… kids in-between, got us a dog… bought a new car.. Life in general.

Since I last typed, I also found that elusive new job. The job with a clue, I call it. I work for The Weather Channel now in the operations department, and love every minute of it. The staff, management, development, administrative teams… ALL of them with a clue. The hiring process had a clue. The evaluations have a clue. The company is just GREAT! Kudos to Landmark (the parent company) and TWCi for being bold enough to do things right, and not be lumped in with the seething mass of clueless employers out there.

Katrina hit, and I had some family down in La. that disappeared for a few days… They showed up and their home was unharmed. Another friend lost apartment and job, moved here and lives with us…just got a new job, too. Good for him.

Started specializing in Apache/Tomcat here at the Channel. Learned a lot of stuff about garbage collection I intend on sharing real soon as well as a comparison of the SUN & BEA JVM. Interesting items there if I do say so myself.

God’s still good, and watching out for us. Couldn’t be happier.

More to come on the Linux & Java thing real soon.